Hello. It's nice to meet you.
Hello! It's nice to meet you.
I have thought often about what I might write to you. I was so terribly excited to finally have the opportunity to say something to you. You know? To really make a difference. To impart upon you some great piece of wisdom. To share some new information with you.
You have already shared so much with me, and I know that I will be learning so much more from you. So what can I do for you? I believe in treating others how you want to be treated.
So, maybe I can make you laugh?
Here is my favorite joke:
George: Have you heard the one about the snake in the golf hole?
Lisa: No, I haven't.
George: Neither have I.
As you can see, joke telling is not my forte. The faces that I make to go along with the jokes is where my comedy lies ( I apologize if I did not use the correct form of that word...it's confusing).
What else can I share with you? I love to bake. I often substitute coconut oil (cold pressed organic virgin) for half or all of the butter to change the flavor profile and perhaps make baked treats a little healthier. I also add a tablespoon of high quality baking powder to any recipe calling for chocolate. This always adds a lot to the chocolate flavor!
I think what I want to share the most with you is my passion. Truly and deeply, I am an artist and want nothing more than to share art with you. Specifically, I would love to sing you a song I've written. Since I can't sing to you, I thought I could write down the lyrics to a song I recently wrote. You can imagine a melody, write another verse, paint a picture, make a sculpture, or ignore it. Whatever suits your fancy.
"Hey Moon"
Hey, Moon! How's it going? Are you waxing? Are you waning? Have you seen the sun recently?
Hey, Moon! How's it going? Are you full? Are you new? Are you pulling the tide to and fro?
The stars are shining bright. I can hardly see their light beyond your beauty. My beautiful Moon.
Hey, Moon! How's it going? Hanging high in the sky, you hold the secrets to the night.
Hey, Moon! How ya doin'? Haven't seen you in some time. I 've been workin' all day long, sleepin' away the night.
The stars are shining bright. I can hardly see their light beyond your beauty, my beautiful Moon.
Hey, Moon! How ya doin'? Haven't seen you in some time. How I miss you. I want to kiss you, instead I see you in the sky.
My beautiful Moon.
Thank you for your time.
Kira Hirschfeld
Raleigh, NC
I have thought often about what I might write to you. I was so terribly excited to finally have the opportunity to say something to you. You know? To really make a difference. To impart upon you some great piece of wisdom. To share some new information with you.
You have already shared so much with me, and I know that I will be learning so much more from you. So what can I do for you? I believe in treating others how you want to be treated.
So, maybe I can make you laugh?
Here is my favorite joke:
George: Have you heard the one about the snake in the golf hole?
Lisa: No, I haven't.
George: Neither have I.
As you can see, joke telling is not my forte. The faces that I make to go along with the jokes is where my comedy lies ( I apologize if I did not use the correct form of that word...it's confusing).
What else can I share with you? I love to bake. I often substitute coconut oil (cold pressed organic virgin) for half or all of the butter to change the flavor profile and perhaps make baked treats a little healthier. I also add a tablespoon of high quality baking powder to any recipe calling for chocolate. This always adds a lot to the chocolate flavor!
I think what I want to share the most with you is my passion. Truly and deeply, I am an artist and want nothing more than to share art with you. Specifically, I would love to sing you a song I've written. Since I can't sing to you, I thought I could write down the lyrics to a song I recently wrote. You can imagine a melody, write another verse, paint a picture, make a sculpture, or ignore it. Whatever suits your fancy.
"Hey Moon"
Hey, Moon! How's it going? Are you waxing? Are you waning? Have you seen the sun recently?
Hey, Moon! How's it going? Are you full? Are you new? Are you pulling the tide to and fro?
The stars are shining bright. I can hardly see their light beyond your beauty. My beautiful Moon.
Hey, Moon! How's it going? Hanging high in the sky, you hold the secrets to the night.
Hey, Moon! How ya doin'? Haven't seen you in some time. I 've been workin' all day long, sleepin' away the night.
The stars are shining bright. I can hardly see their light beyond your beauty, my beautiful Moon.
Hey, Moon! How ya doin'? Haven't seen you in some time. How I miss you. I want to kiss you, instead I see you in the sky.
My beautiful Moon.
Thank you for your time.
Kira Hirschfeld
Raleigh, NC
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