Get on with it and have an adventure.

These days, life changes faster than people could possibly imagine. Think back to the start of 2011. between then and now, were you expecting half of what happened? A quarter? I certainly didn't.

In that time, I've moved out of home, lost a loved one, decided to drop out of university, started a band, worked full time in IT Support, thrown the biggest concert of my life, moved from Australia to Edinburgh, traveled on my own for the first time, made a brand new set of friends, worked in Recruitment, and most recently, entered voluntary unemployment.

I was mugged twice, robbed once, injured myself countless times, spent more money than I should have, ended more friendships than necessary, started ones I would later regret, felt the saddest I have in my life, and took the stupidest risks yet.

Do I regret it? Not one jot. Would I rather have known these things would happen to me? Not if you paid me. Part of the fun of a movie is not knowing the plot beforehand, and why treat life differently?

All I can say to those who read this is not to plan too far ahead. Let life's little uncertainties choose a few things for you. Sit back and observe the world for half an hour, and notice the little odd things. It's not always nice, but it's always interesting.

Alex Michaelson
Edinburgh, Scotland



This is a puzzle.

21,612 is a lot

Tiny wings