
For Luke,

The difference between a fear and a phobia, fear is something you talk yourself into, a phobia is when people rationalise it by giving your fear a clinical name ( My justification Jk is that this is my opinion:P ), but fear/phobia will always stop you from doing the things that are fun and Interesting.

I'm generally a scared person, I have a huge fear of ducks (Not a good story, needless to say being billed by a duck is very expensive lol), spiders, heights, disappointing people and not being good enough to be a performer. But I have been lucky enough to be surrounded by, and to share my life, with people who push me to confront my fears, they drag me through flocks of ducks, take me to tall buildings and encourage me to follow my dreams. Hence I am now starring as Audrey in ,and producing, a production of Little Shop of horrors.

Moral.... surround yourself with people who push and challenge you and force you to think, feel and do things differently, things that scare the pants off you, Otherwise you will always be that 16 year old girl screaming, crying, surrounded by a huge flock of ducks while people laugh at you, or, you just won't have the courage to follow your dreams!!

One of my goals before I turn 30 is to climb the Gloucester tree... google it!! eeeek!!

Miranda Gunn-Brockhoff
Triple threat
Western Australia



This is a puzzle.

21,612 is a lot

Tiny wings