Fugazi Boston 2002 and living in the country

hi everyone

i'm a huge fan of the band Fugazi. in April 2002 they played two nights at my school. i had the privilege of editing the video footage from the first show this past spring, 10 years to the month. you can find it if you search "Fugazi Live Massachusetts College of Art 2002". i'm working on editing the second night (4/20/02), but i'm missing about 30 minutes of footage. were you there videotaping? do you know someone who might have footage? i would love to get in touch with anyone who might have video of that night so the documentation can be complete. thanks for any leads.

one more thing. my partner and i moved from boston > nyc > sf > luray, virginia, a rural town about 90 minutes from washington, dc. if you ever have the chance to move to a rural area, i highly recommend it. i love spending time in urban areas, but we've been able to afford a house with a few acres here, something that was impossible in the city. i drive down the road to our post office, which is the size of a garden shed, and look out at huge fields with cows, old farmhouses and 360 degrees of mountains. strangers driving in the opposite direction wave when your cars pass. it's lovely, but we need more young people. lots of rural areas have fast internet, good coffee, lots of land, affordable houses.

thanks for listening. hope to hear from you.

Ryanne Hodson
Luray, Virginia, USA



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