So Not Ready For This

I'm so not ready for this. I'm going to try to just be as honest and in the moment as possible. This is a first-take sorta thing kids and kid-ettes, so buckle up and try to bear with me :)

I don't know if any of you have heard about Harsha Maddula these past weeks, but if you Google his name the story you will find is a heartbreaking one. He and his family have not been off my mind for over a week. His family wants answers. I just want them to not feel pain anymore...

I wrote the words above ^^^ yesterday, and then completely blanked. My mind was muddled mush. I came back to writing this today after music cleared my mind. I was able to jam with some friends of mine and the whole process from beginning to end sort of reset me.

So here it is:

Find something in your life that allows you to return to being you, so that you can face the world clear-headed. I had no idea i should have even been looking when i found music. What helps you/what have you found?

Jai Sen
New Jersey, USA



This is a puzzle.

21,612 is a lot

Tiny wings