It's a great day!

Wow, I just won the lottery and now I am sitting here in awe of the responsibility to communicate, in a meaningful way, with 25,000+ individuals who are spread around the globe. While we all share a basic humanity, biology would suggest that each of us is physically unique and also, most certainly, that uniqueness extends to our personalities that are the sum total of our origin, environment and experiences. It is that heterogeneous audience that makes responding to this ‘call’ so challenging but in a very good way. I congratulate my predecessors who have never failed to pique my interest and my admiration goes out to those who are seeking to change the world on some level. All of us can only hope that they never lose their passion. It may seem trite to refer to the Chinese philosopher’s words uttered more than 2,500 years ago but they remain as relevant and true today as when they were first spoken – ‘a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.’
Through the years, both from experience and observation, I have developed a modicum of knowledge that has served me well. Unfortunately, I have also learned that each generation must learn from their own experiences, no matter how much we may wish to spare them the consequences. Alternatively, it is the challenging of established doctrine that often leads to progress. I well remember, and I’m sure that many of you do also, the day when I finally realized that my parents actually knew what they were talking about. This revelation usually comes too late to avoid many pitfalls but it is also the time when the generations meld. This is my longwinded way of saying that I really do not have any momentous words to pass on that might turn out to be life altering. My only hope is that you not abandon your dreams, aspirations or goals as, after having read so many responses to the ‘call,’ I feel certain, that as a group and as individuals, you, the members of The Listserve, have much to offer.
On the lighter side, there remains less than two months before the commencement of football season – a time that runs from the summer heat of Miami to the winter snows of Green Bay. From the college gridiron to the professional arena, it is the game, much to the distress of those around me, which will command much of my attention for approximately five months. I am sure that to some my enthusiasm for the game may seem irrational but I do enjoy every minute of it. Aside from several college teams for which I feel a certain allegiance, since the days of Don Hutson the Green Bay Packers have been ‘my team’ and all I can say now is “Go Pack.”
One last thought. Integrity – maintain it and it will sustain you.
It has been an honor to have this opportunity and I wish all of you the very best. Good luck!

Tennessee, U.S.A.



This is a puzzle.

21,612 is a lot

Tiny wings