Life without meaning

I'm looking for responses here; advice from you. I'm 30 years old and much of the sense of purpose in my life has drifted away.

When I was younger I had aspirations to do two things: to become a biologist and to write music. Those pursuits were intended to give a backbone to my life. To expand the boundaries of human knowledge and to create a permanent record of my thoughts passed down through the ages.

As I got older those things became less satisfying. The realities of life as a biologist turned me off from pursuing it as a career. As for music, the idea that it is in any way permanent began to feel absurd. Technology and ephemeral taste and the vast expanse of existing music will certainly obliterate anything I create over a couple hundred years. A thousand and I'm definitely toast.

Without those guiding principles in my life though, I'm not sure how to feel about my time on earth. I've found a profession I can sustain, but the world is not enriched by my output. I wouldn't even know what kind of work would enrich the world. Life has simply come to feel curiously meaningless. Not in a depressing way, I just feel now that I'm an observer. I feel like I'm just smelling the flowers, diverting myself before I go off to die.

It's not a terrible outlook, in fact I consider myself very lucky in my circumstances on earth, but it's not exactly pleasant either. I'm curios if you've encountered this feeling -- I'd love to know how you've dealt with it, particularly if you are older. I'm afraid to say I think this outlook is at least partly shaded by age, by having found the limits of your own ability.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Devin Riley
San Francisco



This is a puzzle.

21,612 is a lot

Tiny wings