Lost girl, born on Wednesday

A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. -Albert Einstein

Pilgrim. Artist. Explorer. Lover. Lost. Looking for a tiger. Seeking that which has always been and lies within: absolute freedom.

I enjoy exploring near and far, within and without and seeing what adventures arise along the way. This particular lost phase of the last year has been more of a struggle, living in a place where I have been based for 10 years, broken-hearted, feeling mostly disconnected, occasionally overwhelmed and too tired. I dance. I unravel. The practice of life. I might need to find my voice. And what if I wish to speak without words?

I keep breathing. Sometimes: inhaling..pause.. exhaling..pause. I am a child of life. Walking often. Observing. Wishing to learn how to fly. Wishing to learn to understand and speak a new language and share stories. Wishing to create and build and grow life with love in magnificent collaboration. Much to share and much to learn. Really craving to find the way and the place to serve best, to sing and dance, share stories and strength and laughter and connect along this journey. I believe I can serve better with the right partners. It might be on a small farm near the sea where others can come rest their heads and share their ideas, dance and create, where will together make delicious food, which we have grown in the land, and sit together, nourishing body and soul. Or it might be in the middle of a big city. It might just be everywhere. I do not yet know. Is it already happening?

This phase of my little adventure might just be about letting it all go. Surrender. As I know very well, I know nothing. This season has been about diving deeper and deeper inward into the darkness. I didn't check my email for a few days (typical behavior lately) and unsure this will make it out to the group. We shall see if this makes it out via The Listserve and we shall see what rises again with the light in the months ahead... Que sera..sera.

I am ever grateful and in love with the dear souls with whom I have crossed paths and I get to adventure with along this life.

I send postcards. If you would like a card and some love via the post, do send your mailing address.

Like a mirror my soul displays secrets; I am able not to speak, but I am unable not to know. -Rumi

Kim Akua
Edge of the Pacific Ocean, Northern Hemisphere



This is a puzzle.

21,612 is a lot

Tiny wings