Its been a good..year

I could write a book about my life (just like most people) but since that'll be nothing short of a Bollywood movie, I'll stick to 2014 instead.

January 2014: I quit my excruciating job and packed my bags to move to San Francisco from New York. I miss NYC every single day, it really is a place you should live in atleast once in your life, it will change your life forever (maybe for good, maybe for bad)

February 2014: I parked myself at a friend's place and decided to go travel (ofcourse) and went to South East Asia (ofcourse) for a few months. I am so thankful for amazing friends!

May 2014: Came back and fun serendipitous things that usually are reserved for more fortunate started happening to me!

July 2014: I was convinced I would move to India unless I found a job, I found a fantastic job

August 2014: I was convinced I would quit my new job and move to India unless I met someone special, I met someone VERY special; I might be in love with him :)

October 2014: Found a fantastic apartment in SAN FRANCISCO! Rental market here is worse than NYC incase you were wondering! It’s more of a supply/ demand thing, I get it!

November 2014: My very close friend decided to move to LA so now I am wondering if I should push my luck and threaten fate that I'd move to India unless I won a multi-million $ lottery ha!

Anyway, I started a new chapter in my life this year. Love, life and a great apartment! Does a girl need more in San Francisco? Yes, yes she does. I could use a great taco. If you are from here or have been here and have suggestions for delicious tacos (or food in general), please let me know! I promise to add it to my list for the taco crawl and let you know how I liked it. I like crawls. If you live in NYC please go to Taqueria LES on Orchard St. Get the carnitas taco. It will blow your mind.

That's all I have today. No advice from me, I wouldn't be very good at it if I tried. Its Thanksgiving time and I'll spare y'll the mundane but I will say please be thankful for what you have, you are definitely more fortunate than most if you have a laptop where you are reading this email. Threaten fate every so often, sometimes it surprises you!

Have a lovely Thanksgiving and a wonderful Christmas!!

Avani (Avni is how you pronounce it, means Earth! Isn't that cool? My parents are the best!)

PS: I want to start a microfinance organization someday and also a school where kids especially women get education for free. If you have ideas, stories, experiences with either please email me! Especially if you tried and failed! Not to undermine the successes, but failures end up getting better life experiences..

PPS: I hate Uber. Look up the recent slew of insanities by the company and their drivers. As a woman I find the company's culture abhorrent. What are your thoughts about the company? If you don't have an opinion, I say form one. Let me know. I love hearing different perspectives and often change mine. I accept that I know very little.


San Francisco, CA



This is a puzzle.

21,612 is a lot

Tiny wings