About strangers
Hello, strangers!
My name is Yasmim and I’m passionate about traveling. I'm 21 years old and I am proud to say that I already visited 11 countries. My last trip was in august/2013, when I traveled across Europe all by myself. My next stop will be: California and Vegas! yay!
One of the most important things that travelling has taught me is: there are much more good people than bad people in the world. My experience as a lonely traveler shown me that there are much more people willing to help a stranger than you could imagine. Strangers in train stations helped me to carry my luggages; strangers gave me all kind of information that I needed and made my traveling a lot more easier; among several others things. Those strangers helped me without asking for anything in return (except for some beggars in Rome, but that's another story).
In 2012 I was in Lousiana on a job exchange program (I worked in a Wendy's but that's also another story, haha). My friends and I were dying to go to New Orleans to see the Mardi Gras parade (and, of course, the party). However, we didn't have a car and couldn't rent one because of our age... So we decided to ask for a ride on the road. Ok, I know that was a little bit risky (maybe a lot). Anyway, a stranger took us safely to New Orleans and gave us a lot of city tips.
All of my traveling experiences were positives and I do not believe that was a question of luck. Of course, THERE ARE bad people in the world, so you must be careful! But, sometimes, just trust. Like in that Coca-cola advertising: there are reasons to believe! The world still is an horrible place but I guarantee you that’s not as evil as the media show us. Sometimes I have the feeling that we live in a permanent paranoia about safety! Of course we must have some precautions, but we can't stop living because of fear.
So, that’s my advice for you, strangers: put some faith in humanity and don't be afraid of trusting :)
p.s.: do you live in California/Vegas and have any travel tips? Please, email me!
p.s. 2: do you live anywhere in the world and have any travel tips? Please, email me!
p.s. 3: not exactly related, but If you read portuguese, I truly recommend you to read "Vacaciones" by Ana Paula Barbi.
p.s. 4: I'm a Listserve member since 2012 so it was REALLY hard to write anything, since I've read a lot of amazing stuff and I couldn't stop thinking that what I had to say wasn't good enough. I spent those 48 hours suffering from anxiety.
p.s. 5: I really don't know how to use comma in english.
p.s. 6: Like "Humans of New York" on Facebook. You won't regret it.
p.s. 7: I know those "life advices" are kind of boring, but I really wanna write about this. Haha.
p.s. 8: "Beijinho no ombro pro recalque passar longe."
Yasmim Kubaski
Curitiba, Brazil
My name is Yasmim and I’m passionate about traveling. I'm 21 years old and I am proud to say that I already visited 11 countries. My last trip was in august/2013, when I traveled across Europe all by myself. My next stop will be: California and Vegas! yay!
One of the most important things that travelling has taught me is: there are much more good people than bad people in the world. My experience as a lonely traveler shown me that there are much more people willing to help a stranger than you could imagine. Strangers in train stations helped me to carry my luggages; strangers gave me all kind of information that I needed and made my traveling a lot more easier; among several others things. Those strangers helped me without asking for anything in return (except for some beggars in Rome, but that's another story).
In 2012 I was in Lousiana on a job exchange program (I worked in a Wendy's but that's also another story, haha). My friends and I were dying to go to New Orleans to see the Mardi Gras parade (and, of course, the party). However, we didn't have a car and couldn't rent one because of our age... So we decided to ask for a ride on the road. Ok, I know that was a little bit risky (maybe a lot). Anyway, a stranger took us safely to New Orleans and gave us a lot of city tips.
All of my traveling experiences were positives and I do not believe that was a question of luck. Of course, THERE ARE bad people in the world, so you must be careful! But, sometimes, just trust. Like in that Coca-cola advertising: there are reasons to believe! The world still is an horrible place but I guarantee you that’s not as evil as the media show us. Sometimes I have the feeling that we live in a permanent paranoia about safety! Of course we must have some precautions, but we can't stop living because of fear.
So, that’s my advice for you, strangers: put some faith in humanity and don't be afraid of trusting :)
p.s.: do you live in California/Vegas and have any travel tips? Please, email me!
p.s. 2: do you live anywhere in the world and have any travel tips? Please, email me!
p.s. 3: not exactly related, but If you read portuguese, I truly recommend you to read "Vacaciones" by Ana Paula Barbi.
p.s. 4: I'm a Listserve member since 2012 so it was REALLY hard to write anything, since I've read a lot of amazing stuff and I couldn't stop thinking that what I had to say wasn't good enough. I spent those 48 hours suffering from anxiety.
p.s. 5: I really don't know how to use comma in english.
p.s. 6: Like "Humans of New York" on Facebook. You won't regret it.
p.s. 7: I know those "life advices" are kind of boring, but I really wanna write about this. Haha.
p.s. 8: "Beijinho no ombro pro recalque passar longe."
Yasmim Kubaski
Curitiba, Brazil
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