How to buy people's love

With a cake. This is very easy, just follow this recipe:
The lava cake recipe: (for 15-20 cupcake sized lava cakes)
200g butter
200g dark cooking chocolate
200g white sugar
5 eggs
1 tbs flour

Preheat the oven at 375 F (190 C). (This is IMPORTANT! Never neglect to preheat the oven.)

Melt the chocolate with the butter, and then add the sugar.
Add the eggs one by one, and beat the mixture very strongly after each egg addition. The resulting mixture must be perfectly homogeneous. Add the flour last. (Taste it: it should already taste amaaaaazing!)

Pour the mixture in the cupcake cups; fill them up to 3/4.

Now it's time to add the Nutella, to transform this great recipe in an AMAZING Nutella melting heart cake!
I usually take two table spoons; I fill one with roughly 1/3 of Nutella and use the second to drop the Nutella in the center of the cake. Once the Nutella drop is in the cake I use one spoon to collect some dough on the side to lightly cover the Nutella drop with some dough.

Now it's time to cook it 20 to 25 minutes at 375 F (190 C).
How to know when it's done: First of all it smells delicious. Secondly you can use a knife and stick it on the SIDE (NOT in the MIDDLE) of the cake, it should come out ALMOST dry (yes, the “almost” is very important: if it's too dry that means it's too cooked, but if it's not enough that means it's not done yet). If that can help you feel better: you will most likely fail the cooking the first time. I did failed it a couple time before getting used to how the cake should look like when it's done.

And now enjoy your delicious cakes, and share them! Good cakes are made to be shared!

(Sure this recipe won’t buy you love for life, but it will do so for the next five minutes, so better act quick if you have a favor to ask, or a bad news to announce.)

I will finish this email with a bunch of random thoughts:
-My name is Aleth, I am a 24 years old girl (I know: so not obvious from the name), I am French and I moved to Boston in August to pursue a PhD in Chemistry.
-This is the first time in my life I’ve ever, ever, EVER win anything. Hopefully this is announcing the beginning of good times to come.
-If you ever want to watch a good French TV show because you like French or you want to learn it, watch Spiral (French title is “Engrenages”). Season 4 is available on Netflix, and there’s plenty of ways to find the previous seasons (why the hell are they not on Netflix too?! That’s an amazing show!)
-I considered going all cheesy about the persons I love, but I figured you guys don’t care.
-I am also always looking for good new fantasy books, and indie bands. So I’ll be happy to hear any suggestions. (Like literally “any”. I listen to a lot of different styles of music)
-Let me know how the recipe turned out if you try it. Or shoot me an email if you want to talk about anything else, I always like a good story.
-I’ll finish with a joke I actually find very accurate:
What do you call somebody who can speak 3 languages?
2 languages?
1 language?

(Oh, and you lost the game.)

Boston, MA



This is a puzzle.

21,612 is a lot

Tiny wings