Critical mass
Dear, listserv
Do you ride a bike? Have you ever heard of critical mass? If you do and you havent, this is my call to action to you.
Critical mass is the most fun you'll have on a bike. So what is it? Its an informal mass bike ride that happens on the last Friday of every month. In Los Angeles, it meets at Wilshire and Western. Its a good idea for riders to meet beforehand, but as long as you get your ass to the start point at 730, when the ride rolls out, you're good to go.
Last friday, I was winding down work for the week and getting ready for critical mass, when the the listserv gods tapped my shoulder. I wanted to share this monthly ritual I have with you all, so that the ride may grow into the listserv community. The point of the ride is to gather enough cyclists on the road that it forces cars to heed to the 'critical mass' of bikes. Cars might hate it, but don't judge us until you've been on a ride yourself. It's a envigorating experience, and I guarentee you'll see los angeles from a point of view that shifts perspective. It's just a little bit crazy. It's all controlled chaos. And it's a hell of a lot of fun.
That's my 2 cents. I'm also writing this email while with my family. We're celebrating my grandmother who wouldve been 100 this year. She passed away when I was in high school. I didn't know her too well but I hear she was a baller. All she did was help my fathers family move to America from Korea (doesn't matter which one). Respect to her.
Shout out to all my sheep zodiac year family. I was born in 91. I can't explain my good luck this year, must be because of that.
Btw if you don't live in LA, chances are that your city might have one too. It'll probably be on the last Friday of the month. Hit me up if you want to ride.
Donald Kim
Los Angeles
Do you ride a bike? Have you ever heard of critical mass? If you do and you havent, this is my call to action to you.
Critical mass is the most fun you'll have on a bike. So what is it? Its an informal mass bike ride that happens on the last Friday of every month. In Los Angeles, it meets at Wilshire and Western. Its a good idea for riders to meet beforehand, but as long as you get your ass to the start point at 730, when the ride rolls out, you're good to go.
Last friday, I was winding down work for the week and getting ready for critical mass, when the the listserv gods tapped my shoulder. I wanted to share this monthly ritual I have with you all, so that the ride may grow into the listserv community. The point of the ride is to gather enough cyclists on the road that it forces cars to heed to the 'critical mass' of bikes. Cars might hate it, but don't judge us until you've been on a ride yourself. It's a envigorating experience, and I guarentee you'll see los angeles from a point of view that shifts perspective. It's just a little bit crazy. It's all controlled chaos. And it's a hell of a lot of fun.
That's my 2 cents. I'm also writing this email while with my family. We're celebrating my grandmother who wouldve been 100 this year. She passed away when I was in high school. I didn't know her too well but I hear she was a baller. All she did was help my fathers family move to America from Korea (doesn't matter which one). Respect to her.
Shout out to all my sheep zodiac year family. I was born in 91. I can't explain my good luck this year, must be because of that.
Btw if you don't live in LA, chances are that your city might have one too. It'll probably be on the last Friday of the month. Hit me up if you want to ride.
Donald Kim
Los Angeles
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