this is my truth

A little about me: my name is Zoe. I am a recent grad, West Wing fan, NPR podcast listener, trying to find a happy and peaceful physical and mental place to be.

My brain works in lists so here a list of the 10 things I thought of while walking home from the gym.

1. I've been in love twice in two very different relationships.
2. Both endings were equally sad even though one ending was more obvious than the other.
3. I believe we'll always have love for those we've loved deeply once upon a time. Even if you 'hate' them now.
4. I've never met a dog I didn't like
5. I hate the color orange.
6. Sunrise is far superior to sunset
7. Our society needs a moral revolution (re all the isms) (note: I am not perfect and have bias' but we can have a goal).
8. Sunflowers are the best type of flower.
9. I want to ask Hillary why she voted in favor of the Iraq war.
10. I haven't decided what I think my definition of successful is.

Thanks for reading! Feel free to email me with; your own list, a response to my list, if you want to be friends in NYC, your favorite west wing episode, book/music recommendations, or just to say hi.

Go out in the world and speak your truth.

Zoe Vallas
Fort Greene, Brooklyn

p.s: (PSA: this is a shameless plug) Since 1965 the New York Philharmonic has been performing free concerts in New York City's parks. Have you been? Tell the NY Phil Archives about it! You can find the link on the nyphil website. And if you're in New York at the end of June come to a concert :) (shameless plug because I've been working really hard on this project and I love reading people's memories)

p.p.s: dearest Rena thank you for the introduction



This is a puzzle.

21,612 is a lot

Tiny wings